
08 September 2013

Excellent views of Arabian Red Fox – Dhahran Hills

Whilst out birdwatching with my daughters recently we went looking for signs of any Arabian Red Foxes. There had been quite a few sightings recently and we were hoping for another close encounter to keep the girls interest alive in the animals. We had very distant views of one which was hard to point out and left us all feeling a bit disappointed until on arrival back at the car when it was getting dark I saw one run across the track. The animal seemed relatively unafraid and so I got the girls out of their car seats to see if we could get better views. We managed to get very close to on fox and later it was joined by a second more timid one and moved off a bit to play. A third fox kept very distant and kept on eye on the other two foxes whilst they played. I assume this was an adult and two youngsters but I am not knowledgeable enough to know how to age them. One thing is certain and that is my girls and I enjoyed our encounter with one fox so close that I could not focus my big 600mm lens on it. As I did not have any smaller lenses with me the below are the only photos I took and by the time they moved off some distance the light was too poor to take photographs.