
18 September 2013

Collared Pratincole – Dhahran Hills

Whilst birding Dhahran Hills I came across a grassy field with hundreds of birds present on it. Most of the birds were House Sparrows and Common Mynas but quite a few Yellow Wagtails were scattered in amongst them. As I was watching, a juvenile Collared Pratincole flew in and landed on the grass and allowed quite close approach as it ran around the grass field catching insects. This is the first Collared Pratincole I have seen on the ‘patch’ this autumn and was a pleasant surprise, as I have not seen one on a field before. Two other waders were also present, one Ruff and a Wood Sandpiper but they did not stay long. Other migrants on the field included an Isabelline Wheatear and several Eurasian Hoopoes. A single Little Egret flew over, probably looking for somewhere to land but as there is no water on the pond it had nowhere to go. This is the first Little Egret I have seen in Dhahran for many months. A Purple Heron was seen flying over a little further down towards the scrubby desert area.
Collared Pratincole - juvenile
Collared Pratincole - juvenile
Eurasian Hoopoe
Little Egret