
24 August 2013

Raydah Ridge

At first light on out last day 6 July, we were at the top of the Raydah Escarpment but this time we drove along the ridge to the left of the entrance in the hope of locating Philby’s Partridge. Birds have been seen in this area previously including May 2002 but Lou had been along a similar path the day before and failed to locate any birds and despite extensive searching we also failed. We did see a Montane Nightjar on the road just below the turn to the Raydah Escarpment that gave good if brief views and we will be looking for this species again on our next trip to the area. There were plenty of birds about along the ridge including good numbers of Yemen Linnet, a pair of African Stonechats, one Cinnamon-breasted Bunting, three Eurasian Hoopoes, two Common Kestrels, two Long-billed Pipits, five Fan-tailed Ravens, five White-spectacled Bulbuls, three Scrub Warblers, four Yemen Thrushes, two Red-breasted Wheatears, 20+ Yemen Linnets and two Dusky Turtle Doves.
Cinnamon-breasted Bunting
Eurasian Hoopoe
Yemen Linnet
African Stonechat - female
African Stonechat - male
Dusky Turtle Dove