
25 August 2013

A few waders in the ditch – Dhahran Hills

With the percolation pond dry and the spray fields also not spraying at full capacity there are limited places for waders to go on the ‘patch’ at the moment. One exception is the drainage ditch at the edge of the scrubby desert area and as this almost always holds at least some water the passage waders are being attracted to this area. There were three Little Ringed Plovers, two Black-winged Stilts, seven Little Stints, three Green Sandpipers, two Wood Sandpipers and a Kentish Plover. Other birds using the ditch included several House Sparrows, seven Indian Mynas and three European Collared Doves.
Green Sandpiper
Kentish Plover 
Little Ringed Plover
Little Stint
Wood Sandpiper