
03 July 2013

Wader numbers increasing – Dhahran Expro Wader Roost

The wader numbers have been steadily increasing at the Dhahran Expro Wader Roost. The first returning Terek Sandpiper was noted at the site, although I had seen them the week before at Sabkhat Al Fasl. Ruddy Turnstone numbers had increased to double figures and Greater Sandplovers had significantly increased and now numbered over fifty. A slight surprise was seeing 12 Green Sandpipers at the site as I have only seen them here once before. More normal were a few Curlew Sandpipers, Common Redshanks, Black-winged Stilts and Kentish Plovers.
Terek Sandpiper
Ruddy Turnstone
Curlew Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper
Common Redshank
The trees growing sparsely along the edge of this site held three Eastern Olivaceous Warblers, which was the first time I had seen them at the site and suggests they may be breeding somewhere nearby. The only other birds of note were a Little Tern and a Socotra Cormorant offshore.