
13 July 2013

A few terns - Al Sahil

As it has been very quiet on the patch recently I decided to go into Al Khobar and look in an area I have not birded before. I went to the large inland lake just off the main Corniche road, called Al Sahil to see if anything was present. As it was a Friday there were quite a few fishermen present but one exposed area of mud at the side of the lake had a good number of terns present. Most of the terns were Lesser Crested Terns and White-cheeked Terns with about fifty of each species but there was also a single Caspian Tern and A single Gull-billed Tern. Many of the terns were resting on the muddy bank but a few other were flying about back and forth to the nearby sea. Good views were obtained and this looks like a good site for later in the year when the duck and herons return on migration. The only problem with this site is it is bordered by two busy roads and is therefore disturbed more than one would like.
Lesser Crested Tern
Lesser Crested Tern
Lesser Crested Tern
White-cheeked Tern
White-cheeked Tern
White-cheeked Tern
White-cheeked Tern

Very few other birds were seen but a second calendar year Black-headed Gull was a little unusual at this time of year and a few Graceful Prinias were in the reeds on the way to the muddy area holding the terns. House Crows were flying over the area as well but not actually using the lake or surrounding habitat.