
08 June 2013

Western Cattle Egrets double in number – Dhahran Hills

The spray fields have had very few birds in them recently but a late Western Cattle Egret was seen a week ago, which was a pleasant surprise. This week a second Western Cattle Egret joined it doubling the number of birds. I managed to get quite close to the birds last night and managed a few photos. Neither of the birds is in particularly fine plumage but they are good birds to watch stalking around the wet pool edge and the long grass looking for food.

Very little else of interest was seen except a single Sand Martin and one Little Tern over the percolation pond and three male Namaqua Doves at the edge of the spray fields. Although things are very slow at the moment bird wise I am still out each day to see if anything unusual turns up and, hopefully, my perseverance will pay off one day.