
20 June 2013

Plenty of Terns – Sabkhat Al Fasl

Although very few birds are currently about at Sabkhat Al Fasl there are plenty of terns. Some of them have bred at the site such as Little Terns, with 50+ adults and 10+ juveniles. Others have bred nearby with White-cheeked Terns using the Arabian Gulf offshore islands as their main breeding sites. They are late breeders and will only now be having very small chicks that will be unable to fly. In a month or so they flying juveniles will also be seen at Sabkhat but now is too early.
Little Tern
Little Tern
White-cheeked Tern
Other terns such as White-winged Terns are passing back though on migration? Or are very late spring migrants. Both Adults in full breeding plumage and non-breeding adults were present with five birds seen in total. Caspian Tern and Gull-billed Tern were also present in very small numbers, both of which breed in the local area, but where I am not too sure.
White-winged Terns - adult summer
White-winged Tern - adult summer
White-winged Tern - adult summer