
12 June 2013

Only a couple of waders – Dhahran Hills

Birding the ‘patch’ has become a little less interesting recently and there are virtually no migrants about now. The last few days have been extremely windy with large amounts of dust in the air making birding difficult but I have still been struggling along. The only migrants about have been a single Spotted Flycathcer and several Sand Martins near the spray fields with a Little Tern on the percolation pond. The best place recently has been the settling pond where a few waders have been seen each day with six Black-winged Stilts and four Kentish Plovers. There are several signs of breeding activity in the camp now with several birds breeding so I am busy collecting data for mike Jenning’s Arabian Breeding Birds Atlas project which keeps my interest alive during the slow birding months of June and July.
Black-winged Stilt
Kentish Plover