
25 June 2013

First returning Waders – Dhahran Hills

The first returning waders are now starting to pass through Dhahran with some having bred nearby and other returning from distant breeding areas. The wet ditch at the edge of the scrubby desert is often good for waders but I haven not seen a decent bird on this ditch for a couple of months. Yesterday I saw three species of wader here with two juvenile Black-winged Stilts, one Green Sandpiper and a juvenile Little Ringed Plover.
Black-winged Stint - juvenile
Black-winged Stint - juvenile
Black-winged Stint - juvenile
Green Sandpiper
Little Ringed Plover - juvenile

Well over 100 more Black-winged Stilts were on the settling pond and percolation pond with 50+ Kentish Plovers in the same places. Two Kentish Plovers that have well grown young were on the sand at the edge of the settling pond allowing close views and a few photographs to be taken. Other interesting birds seen included an adult European Turtle Dove in the trees around the percolation and a Gull-billed Tern on the percolation pond along with four Little Terns.
Kentish Plover
Kentish Plover