Birding the ‘patch’ is becoming less exciting by the day with very few migrants about. The best bird seen in recent days was a late Blue-cheeked Bee-eater and an Upcher’s Warbler, both of which were in the trees surrounding the spray fields. A few other migrants seen included three Yellow Wagtails, several Willow Warblers, three Red-backed Shrikes, three Barn Swallows and five Sand Martins.
Red-backed Shrike - female |
Red-backed Shrike - female |
Now I will have to start concentrating on recording the breeding activity of birds in the camp with plenty of breeding activity occurring on the percolation pond at present. Eurasian Coots have two different sizes of young as do Common Moorhens. Little Grebes are sitting on eggs with at least four nests seen and Little Terns were seen feeding well grown young at the pond, although they did not breed at the site. Clamorous Reed Warblers are still singing continuously indicating breeding again in the reed beds.