
09 May 2013

Birds of Kuwait: A Comprehensive Visual Guide

I was lucky enough to be given a complimentary copy of the relatively new photographic guide “Birds of Kuwait: A Comprehensive Visual Guide” by Mike Pope, one of the editors of the book when he visited Saudi Arabia a few months ago. The book was produced for the sponsoring company Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC), with the company authorities distributing copies to all stakeholders concerned, such as public authorities and educational facilities. It was not available to buy but is now available as a low resolution PDF file that can be downloaded for free from the following link (file size is 37.3 MB). The first print run has already been distributed and a second print run has been commissioned.

The “Birds of Kuwait: A Comprehensive Visual Guide” is a large-format presentation presented by Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC). It is certainly not a field guide, due to its size and weight, but more a collection of some breathtaking photographs of the 391 species that had occurred in the country up until June 2012, with 95% of the photographs taken within the country limits. This is quite an achievement even more so if you take into account the photographs were taken by 18 Kuwaiti or Kuwait-based amateur birdwatchers and photographers.

The book has an introduction section on the country’s best birding sites, lives of wild birds in Kuwait, naming birds (identification and taxonomy), observing and photographing birds, bird conservation, hunting and various other topical items. Mike Pope wrote “One of the aims of the book is to increase public awareness at all levels of the beauty and diversity of Kuwait's birdlife which is part of Kuwait's natural heritage. This in the hope that more conservation measures will be taken to improve and protect diminishing habitats and the environment for better bird protection and to ensure that this great diversity of species we are seeing now, will still be with us for generations to come”.

I would like to thank Mike very much for kindly supplying me with a copy of this book which is truly and amazing document.