
19 May 2013

Bird numbers dropping - Dhahran Hills

Bird numbers have decreased significantly over the last few days with the only migrant still in good numbers being the Willow Warbler. There are still a few Red-backed Shrikes about and surprisingly a nice adult male Turkestan Shrike, which is the first male of this species I have seen for more than two weeks. The scrubby desert area had two European Bee-eaters and an Upcher’s Warbler showing very well in the low bushes.
Upcher's Warbler
Red-backed Shrike
Turkestan Shrike
The spray fields had an immature Purple Heron and a late Western Cattle Egret that was oiled and looked slightly odd at a distance. A female Eurasian Blackcap and several Common Whitethroats were also present and a Namaqua Dove was sitting briefly in a tree at the edge. Two Little Terns were also on the wet pool on the spray fields along with three Black-winged Stilt and a Wood Sandpiper. The only interesting birds on the percolation pond were two Squacco Herons and the Great Crested Grebe. The late migrating Spotted Flycatcher is still around with six birds seen in the trees around the pond where four Eastern Olivaceous Warblers were also present. Good numbers of Sand Martins and Barn Swallows were over the settling pond and spray fields and a single Eurasian Sparrowhawk also flew over.

Namaqua Dove
Namaqua Dove
Sand Martin