
13 April 2013

Two new ringing ‘ticks’ – Jasaer (Bahrain)

An early morning trip over the causeway to Bahrain with Nicole and our new helper Clem produced a good bag of birds for us including two new ringing species for me. I was hopeful of catching a few good birds as I had a great days birding full of migrants the day before in Jubail, Saudi Arabia. The first new bird for me was an Upcher’s Warbler and the second was a Laughing Dove. I have now ringed 55 different species of bird in Bahrain, which is not too bad I would have thought? Upcher’s Warbler is an uncommon passage migrant and Laughing Dove a common resident breeder.

Upcher's Warbler
Upcher's Warbler
Laughing Dove
Laughing Dove
Laughing Dove