Earlier in the spring Daurian Shrikes were outnumbering Turkestan Shrikes by about two to one, but things have changed over the last few weeks with nine out of ten birds now being Turkestan Shrikes. The best site for them is the spray field, where four birds were seen. Others were seen in the bushes around the percolation pond and at least eight birds were seen with only one Daurian Shrike.
Turkestan Shrike - female |
Daurian Shrike - female |
Turkestan Shrike - male |
The spray fields held a reasonable flock of 10-12 Ortolan Buntings that led us around whilst we tried in vain to get some photos. A few Red-throated Pipits were also in the fields. The on had four Garganey and in the bushes around were two Barred Warblers, several Yellow Wagtails including bema and feldegg and an Eastern Orphian Warbler. A small flock of 20+ Pallid Swift flew over and ten Barn Swallows were also present. The only other birds of note were a Common Greenshank, Wood Sandpiper and a Kentish Plover on the settling pond.