
18 April 2013

Mating Little Ringed Plovers – Dhahran Hills

Whilst looking around the edge of the spray fields and the area near the settling pond I found a pair of Little Ringed Plover. One bird was standing on the back of the other and it looked like they were in the process of mating. I took one quick photo before they parted company and ran away, both staying close to each other. I got a few more photos when they were apart and will keep an eye out to see if young are seen in the area in a few weeks.

The settling pond itself had a Wood Sandpiper and two pairs of Kentish Plover with very small chicks indicating successful breeding again at the site despite the relatively high water levels this year. An Isabelline Wheatear was in the vicinity along with 20+ Barn Swallows. The spray fields were being sprayed and not much was seen there except a Turkestan Shrike. Two Rufous-tailed Scrub Robins were seen around the percolation pond along with a female White-throated Robin which is the first one I have seen in Dhahran this spring. The trees around the pond had Willow Warbler and a couple of Common Redstarts and the fence had a Spotted Flycatcher and a couple of Turkestan Shrikes but little else. The pond four Garganey remain on the pond and a few Pallid Swift and Barn Swallows were flying around in the late evening.