
20 March 2013

Some Herons – Dhahran Hills

The percolation pond has been relatively quiet for a few days with only a few herons to be seen. Two Squacco Herons have been on the pond for a few days and on one occasion I saw them in and beside the wet ditch where I was able to get a couple of decent photographs. A good number, up to 40, Western Cattle Egrets are still roosting in the reed bed of the pond and gather in the trees surrounding the pond prior to flying into the reed beds for the night. A single adult Grey Heron was sitting on one of the floating platforms and ten Garganey were on the pond, six males and four females, but not much else. Eurasian Coot now have young, and Little Grebes are paired up ready to start breeding as well. Clamorous Reed Warblers are constantly singing to claim territories and are well into the breeding season now.
Squacco Heron
Squacco Heron
Western Cattle Egret
Western Cattle Egret