
02 March 2013

Migration picking up – Dhahran Hills

The last week has really seen migration picking up with quite a few migrants passing through. New species for the spring have included two Woodchat Shrikes, one Pied Wheatear, one Northern Wheatear, one Grey Wagtail and a Peregrine Falcon. Other migrants have included 100+ Red-rumped Swallows, two Turkestan Shrikes, six Daurian Shrikes, ten Pallid Swifts, 25+ Common Chiffchaffs, two Common Quail, six Eurasian Skylarks and ten Black-headed Wagtails. A few winter birds are still hanging around such as the Caspian Stonechat and a few Tawny Pipits. Other wintering birds such as White Wagtail and Bluethroats have been supplemented with passing migrants with numbers higher now than during the winter. The wintering duck numbers are now reducing with only seven Gadwalls left on the pond last night. An Indian Reef Heron flew over which was the first one I have seen this year, but these are not migrants but straying resident birds which normally occur on the coast.
Turkestan Shrike
Greater Spotted Eagle
(North) Caspian Stonechat