
09 March 2013

Increasing wader numbers – Dhahran Expro Wader Roost

A very early visit to the Dhahran Expro Wader Roost produced an increasing number of waders. The birds have split up now and are roosting in two different close by areas. The Greater Sand Plovers and a few Lesser Sand Plovers along with Kentish Plovers are using a dryer area and the other waders using the normal place. The larger waders are now using the newly cut off area in front of the roost so all the waders can be seen close together. New waders seen this trip compared to two weeks ago were Curlew Sandpipers with up to 50 birds seen some coming into breeding plumage. Kentish Plover numbers had increased to hundreds of birds and Marsh Sandpipers were now over 50. The Bar-tailed Godwit flock was also much larger with possibly 200 birds present again with some in partial summer plumage. Although there were thousands of waders there was nothing unusual amongst them as far as I could see. It is still very interesting looking through the large groups and the difference in plumage condition of the birds can be quite marked. A few herons and Greater Flamingos were around with Grey Heron, Indian Reef Heron and Western Great Egret present.
Curlew Sandpiper
Marsh Sandpiper 
Common Redshank
Little Stint
Little Stint
Gull-billed Terns
Western Great Egret