
25 March 2013

Eastern Cinereous Bunting – Deffi Park (Jubail)

An early morning trip to Jubail was executed with a visit to Deffi Park the first stop on the agenda. We thought it might be good for passage migrants as the habitat there is open grassy areas surrounded by large mature trees of various species and although known as a good site in winter, little information is available on the place in spring. We got to the site just after first light as bird activity does not really start here until the sun is up. It was obvious a few migrants were about as we saw 50+ Tree Pipits feeding on the wet grassy areas all over the park in small groups. This is the largest number of Tree Pipits I have seen in Saudi Arabia since I have been here and although they are present in the Eastern Province they are never common. Also whilst walking around we saw six Common Redstarts including two fine male samamisicus birds. Whilst looking at the Meadow Pipits we came across a greenish looking bird facing towards us that turned out to be an Eastern Cinereous Bunting. This is sometimes split from Western Cinereous Bunting but as I have never seen either type of Cinereous Bunting in Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else for that matter, I was very pleased. Phil had seen two birds two days previous to this sighting at nearby Sabkhat Al Fasl, so birds are obviously on the move through the Jubail area. The only other birds of note were four very grey tritris type Common Chiffchaffs looking very different to our normal yellow abientinus types and a smart male Eastern Yellow Wagtail type.
Eastern Cinereous Bunting
Eastern Cinereous Bunting
Eastern Cinereous Bunting
Eastern Cinereous Bunting
Eastern Cinereous Bunting
Tree Pipit
Tree Pipit
Eastern Yellow Wagtail - tschutschensis