
15 February 2013

Some signs of migration – Dhahran Hills

A walk around the percolation pond was quite interesting with the first true signs of migration being seen. There were ten plus Common Chiffchaffs present in the tamarisk at the side of the pond and two Eurasian Reed Warblers were also seen, one in full song. Clamorous Reed Warblers were also singing from the trees and reed-beds, although these birds are resident breeders at this site. A really smart adult male White-spotted Bluethroat in full breeding plumage was seen in the same area which is only the second bird I have seen of this sub-species since I have been in Saudi Arabia. Luckily it was an adult male, as identification of adult males out of breeding plumage is not possible. This sub-species is probably a scarce spring visitor although lack of information on birds seen in the past, makes assessment difficult. Other signs of migration included a group of 11 Pallid Swifts flying around calling loudly with six Red-rumped Swallows and ten Barn Swallows and an increase in the number of Daurian Shrikes with four now present in the spray fields and around the percolation pond. Two Western Marsh Harriers were seen briefly over the spray fields including the adult female that has been around for a week or so. A single Eurasian Sparrowhawk was also seen; again this bird has been around for a few weeks.
Daurian Shrike
Pallid Swift
Pallid Swift
Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow