
19 February 2013

Northern Shovelers – Dhahran Hills

The duck numbers are slowly building up on the percolation pond and different birds are appearing daily at the site. Over the last few days there have been three Mallards, 18 Northern Shovelers, seven Gadwalls, 11 Northern Pintail, eight Eurasian Wigeon and 30+ Eurasian Teal. The duck were frightened at one point by a motorcycle trial bike and flew almost over my head allowing me to grab a few flight shots of the birds. There is not much else about on the pond apart from Great Cormorants and Little Grebes. Two Grey Herons were flying about which is an increase of one compared to last week. Small numbers of Pallid Swift and a single House Martin were over the pond and 25+ Water Pipits were still using the reed beds to roost in. The settling pond had two Black-wined Stilts and a Common Redshank and the there were five (Black-headed) Yellow Wagtails on the wires around the pond. These are the first returning Yellow Wagtails I have seen this spring. The Red-tailed Wheatear was still present in its normal spot but there was no sign of the Blue Rock Thrush
Northern Shoveler - male
Northern Shoveler - male
Northern Shoveler - male & female
Northern Shoveler - female
Black-headed Wagtail - feldegg
Black-headed Wagtail - feldegg