
26 February 2013

Ducks – Dhahran Hills

There were plenty of ducks on the percolation pond yesterday with the eight Gadwall still around. These birds have been on the pond for most of the winter and comprise three males and five females. Eurasian Wigeon have also been present for a few weeks but numbers vary widely from single birds to a group of almost 30, with nine present this time. Northern Shoveler are often very common but numbers have been less this winter even though it has been a very good winter for duck. Five birds were present with the other duck. I thought this was a good count, but just as I was leaving eight Eurasian Teal flew and joined the gathering. Eurasian Coot numbers appear to be increasing but common Moorhen numbers remain low.
Eurasian Wigeons
Northern Shoveler
Northern Shoveler
Northern Shoveler