
21 January 2013

More Pallid Swifts – Dhahran Hills

The cold weather has brought in a few waders to the ‘patch’ almost all of which are on the settling pond. Birds seen in the last few days include Common Ringed Plover, two Marsh Sandpipers, two Common Greenshanks, 15 Black-winged Stilts, two Ruff, two Wood Sandpipers and a Green Sandpiper. A jack Snipe was flushed from the Spray Fields and two Siberian Stonechats and a Daurian Shrike were also in the same area. The percolation pond was almost devoid of birds with the exception of the normal Little Grebes, Greater Cormorants, Common Moorhens and Eurasian Coots. The only interesting birds seen were five Gadwall and a flock of Pallid Swifts with one House Martin flying over.
Pallid Swift
Pallid Swift
Great Cormorant