
11 January 2013

Meadow Pipits – Dhahran Hills

An early morning trip to the ‘patch’ produced a large numbers of Wagtails and Pipits. There were at least 100 White Wagtails and 50+ Water Pipits with about six Meadow Pipits also associating with them. Their favourite place is the rough ground by the settling pond where the birds gather at first light before dispersing. First light is also a good time to see Arabian Red Fox when they are out hunting and one was seen running along the edge of the main track leading to the Percolation pond, an area where I see these animals frequently. The pond had a single Great Crested Grebe and five Mallards still along with large numbers of Large White-headed Gulls (LWHG) dropping in to bah before moving off to their feeding areas. Most of the LWHG’s were Steppe Gulls (90%) with 10% Heuglin’s Gulls and only three Caspian Gulls. Plenty of Black-headed Gulls were also bathing on the pond at the same time as the LWHG making quite a spectacle.
Meadow Pipit
White Wagtail
Water Pipit
Heuglin's Gull