
07 January 2013

Lesser Whitethroat – Dhahran Hills

The patch has been reasonable for mid-winter with a few passerines seen. An unusual sight was a Lesser Whitethroat seen in the bushes by the percolation pond. These birds winter in southern Arabia, but I have not seen one in winter on the 'patch' before. Along with the Lesser Whitethroat were three Common Chiffchaffs. The pond held two Great Crested Grebes, one of which appeared to be building a nesting platform in the dense reed bed. Five Mallards were the only ducks and a Marsh Harrier was seen quartering the reed beds. Two Daurian Shrikes were in the bushes, one near the pond and the other by the side of the spray fields where 50+ White Wagtails were also present.  
Lesser Whitethroat
Daurian Shrike

White Wagtail