
31 December 2012

Clamorous Reed Warblers & Water Pipits – Alba Marsh (Bahrain)

Our last ringing trip took us back to Alba Marsh. It was a few weeks since we last went and whilst putting up the nets it appeared the number of birds was lower than previously. We set all five nets we have and managed to catch ten birds including one Graceful Prinia, two Water Pipits, three Bluethroats and four Clamorous Reed Warblers. This site is excellent for Clamorous Reed Warblers and only one of the four birds caught was a re-trap, ringed at the same site in the spring of 2012. I have personally ringed almost 50 birds at this site in just over one year. We met the manager of the nearby Water Desalination plant who informed us that the site may be built on in the near future which would be a real shame as it an excellent little wetland area. Let’s hope it takes many years for them to decide.
Clamorous Reed Warbler
Clamorous Reed Warbler
Water Pipit
Water Pipit
Water Pipit