
28 November 2012

Wet conditions – Dhahran Hills

The cool and wet weather has increased the water levels around the camp with the percolation pond flooded and overflowing into the surrounding areas by the side. This looks excellent for ducks and rails but is a bit disturbed; hopefully, it will attract some good birds. A few ducks have been around on the Percolation Pond recently with ten Northern Pintail, two Northern Shoveller, six Mallard and a single Eurasian Teal present. The settling pond is also almost full and the waders are using the concrete banks to feed along. Waders here in the last few days have included a single Green Sandpiper, four Wood Sandpipers, 60+ Little Stints, a Common Ringed Plover, three Dunlin, five Common Redshank, one Common Snipe and one Curlew Sandpiper which is the first bird of this species I have seen since the spring on the ‘patch’. The wet ditch had a single Green Sandpiper but looks good again for waders, and the spray fields had a really smart adult male Siberian Stonechat and 30+ White Wagtails. The three juvenile Greater Flamingos were not seen the day after they were found which was a pity, as they made an interesting sight on the settling pond.
Green Sandpiper
White Wagtail