
18 November 2012

Relatively quiet – Sabkhat Al Fasl

As always the Western Marsh Harriers I saw at Sabkhat Al Fasl were almost all females although a really smart adult male was also seen which was the first one I have seen this winter. Apart from the Greater Spotted Eagles, the only other bird of prey seen was a single Western Osprey sitting on the new power lines with its catch of a Tilapia fish. Other interesting birds seen included three Common Chiffchaffs, one Daurian Shrike, two Bluethroats, several White Wagtails and 50+ Water Pipits. There were quite a few waders present on the flooded sabkha area with three Ruff, four Grey Plover, 34 Common Ringed Plover and hundreds of Dunlin and Little Stint. A flock of 250+ Greater Flamingos are now present and building up in numbers for the winter but I did not see any duck this time although Phil saw six Common Shelduck on 13th November in this area. Purple Swamphens and Squacco Herons were quite common and good numbers of Western Reef Herons were also in the wetter areas but otherwise things were relatively quiet.
Western Marsh Harrier
Purple Swamphen
Western Osprey
Daurian Shrike
Common Chiffchaff
Grey Plover