
12 October 2012

White-tailed Lapwing - Tabuk

Viv Wilson works in Tabuk (western Saudi Arabia) and has recently been bird-watching his local ‘patch’ of a water treatment area, starting about a year ago. He has seen a number of good birds in the area including:
Black Kite (juvenile)
Common Kestrel
Steppe (Southern) Grey Shrike
Isabelline Wheatear
Western Marsh Harrier
European Roller
Glossy Ibis
Common Kingfisher
Long-legged Buzzard
Common Snipe
Wood Sandpiper
Squacco Herons
Common Redstart
Pallid Harrier
Spur-winged Plover
Eurasian Curlew
Yellow Wagtail
White-tailed Plover
Duraian or Turkestan Shrike
Western Cattle Egret
Grey Heron
Best of all Viv found a White-tailed Lapwing with a Glossy Ibis and managed to get a couple of photos of the bird which he kindly let me use on my website. It looks like Viv’s birding area is rich in birds and one I would like to visit one day.

White-tailed Plover
White-tailed Plover
Glossy Ibis & White-tailed Plover
Glossy Ibis & White-tailed Plover
Squacco Heron
Squacco Herons