
23 October 2012

Some birds from early 2009 - By Bob Roberts

Here are a few photographs I have just been sent by Bob Roberts of some birds he took in spring 2009 and which he kindly gave me permission to use. They were taken are the Dammam – Al Khobar Wader Roost and show two Black-tailed Godwits, taken on the 6th March 2009, which are an uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor to the coast and inland pools. The next photograph shows an adult Black Tailed Godwit, male in breeding plumage, which appears to have a damaged wing, hence it has overstayed when most Godwits had already departed, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 16th April 2009. Little Stint is a very common passage migrant and winter visitor to the coast with thousands seen on occasions. In the spring and autumn many birds are seen in full breeding plumage such as the bird shown here. This photograph was taken on 16th April 2009.
Black-tailed Godwit - adult summer plumage
Black-tailed Godwit
Little Stint

European Spoonbill was a rare bird to the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia twenty years ago but now it is scarce visitor which can be seen at any time of year although early autumn is the best time to see the species when most birds seen are juveniles. This photograph was taken at Dammam Port Mangroves on 9th January 2009. Socotra Cormorant is a very common breeding resident to the area with thousands occasionally seen flying in large groups out at sea.

Eurasian Spoonbill

Eurasian Spoonbill

Grebes are not common in Saudi Arabia with the exception of Little Grebe. Bob took the photograph of the Black-necked Grebe at a lagoon that had been formed on the reclaimed land at the side of the Dammam – Al Khobar Wader Roost. Although it is a regular winter visitor to the Eastern Province I have so far failed to see any birds. The Great Crested Grebe photographs were taken at Dammam Seafront and again this is a bird that is uncommon and restricted in the number of sites where it occurs both birds were seen on 9th January 2009.

Black-necked Grebe
Great Crested Grebe
Socotra Cormorant