A trip to the 'patch' on 10th October turned up my second new species for the area in three days. As with the last new species Baillon's Crake, this one was also a new species for Saudi Arabia, and was a Red-breasted Flycatcher. This is a rare and irregular visitor to the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia with most records being in autumn or winter. One was seen in late December 1970, one at Dhahran late November 1974, two Dhahran November 1979 to mid-March 180 and five other records 1980 - 1984 all in autumn and winter. There are no recent records of the species from Dhahran as far as I am aware. I am sure they will be overlooked as this bird was very difficult to get good views of. It was calling continually which alerted me to its presence but although very mobile, was difficult to see perched. This is my 182 species for the Saudi Aramco camp which is not bad as I have only been birding here for two years. I saw the bird in the late evening so again no photographs are available of the bird. Other good birds seen included a Western Osprey over the percolation pond, a Green Sandpiper and a Citrine Wagtail (first year) on the newly flooded settling pond and a Turkestan Shrike on the spray fields. The first White Wagtail of the year was on the concrete surround to the settling pond.
Green Sandpiper |
Yellow Wagtail - feldegg |
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Yellow Wagtail - feldegg |