
19 October 2012

Location Directions - Ash Shargiyah Development Company Farm (Fadhili)

The site is located near to Jubail, inland in the desert and is an extensive area of mixed habitat, including large pivot fields growing crops, plenty of haystack piles, a large wetland area, small reed-beds, extensive scrubby desert, disused and dry pivot fields and quite a few large trees growing along the track edges. There is a security gate to the farm which may be padlocked and security want to know why you want to enter and leave. As the site does not have easy access you should only visit after phoning and asking for permission, please do not just turn up and try to get in as this will cause issues for anyone else trying to access the site. The site is located off the main Abu Hadriya highway from Dammam to Jubail and onwards to Kuwait. At the turnoff to Sabkhat Al Fasl keep going straight on the main road to Kuwait. After about 25 kilometres there is a sign to the right to Fadhili Pipeline road. Take this exit and turn left under the main road. You will then pass to the right hand side of a large petrol station after whihc a tarmac road goes off to the left after about fifty metres. Do not go down this road but continue for another twenty metres or so and take the next left. Drive down this tarmac road for about twenty kilometres until you reach the security gate to the farm which has a large sig above saying Ash Shargiyah Development Co. Once inside drive along any of the tracks and stop and look at any good sites of which there are plenty.