
07 October 2012

Common Snipe & Grey Wagtail – Dhahran Hills

Although the number of birds seen in the autumn is low the number of species seen is quite high with 78 species recorded by me on the ‘patch’ in September. The newest species recorded were a Grey Wagtail feeding about in the drainage ditch wet flash, which was the first record of the species since March 2012 and a Common Snipe also the first record since March. Grey Wagtail is an uncommon but regular passage migrant from February to May & from August to October being more common in the spring with March being the best month to see the species. Birds are almost always seen near water with the drainage ditches the best places to see the species in Dhahran. The Common Snipe was also in the wet flash area with the species being a common passage migrant and winter visitor from August to April with the odd rare summer record.  Other good birds seen included the first year Citrine Wagtail still in the same place and seen feeding together with the Grey Wagtail, three Temminck’s Stints, two Little Stints and two Green Sandpipers. The percolation pond was relatively quiet with the only new birds three adult male Mallards sitting at the very back of the pond. A single juvenile Purple Heron and one juvenile Squacco Heron were also noteworthy.

Common Snipe
Little Stint
Citrine Wagtail - first year
Grey Wagtail