The 'patch' appears to be holding a few birds recently which is unusual. Birds always stay longer in autumn than in spring as there is no urgency to breed in autumn, but still very few birds stay for long. I assume the European Roller seen is one of the birds that have been about for almost a week and the Turkestan Shrike is the same bird as I saw three days ago as it is a stunning adult in exactly the same spot as I saw it last time. The juvenile White-winged Tern may be a new bird but is just as likely one of the birds I saw a week ago that has come back to the percolation pond. Large numbers of Sand Martins are now present with over 40 birds seen and a single Northern Wheatear is frequenting the spray fields. Western Cattle Egret numbersare increasing with seven birds now using the reeds of the percolation pind as a roosting site and the single Grey Heron is still present along with the two Glossy Ibis. Three Wood Sandpipers and two Marsh Sandpipers were new arrivals on the pond.
European Roller |
Turkestan Shrike |
White-winged Tern - juvenile |