
15 August 2012

Little Grebes nesting - Dhahran Hills

The percolation pond is the only area of Dhahran that has any birds on it at the moment with very little else being seen. The pond has been filled up with water recently and as a result the breeding Little Grebes have had to add a large amount of vegetation to their nests to stop them getting flooded. At least one pair failed in this as I saw their eggs partly floating on the pond weed. The other four pairs that are still on nests or with very small young all managed to survive the water level increase. Two species of tern were on the pond during the week with one Little Tern and one Gull-billed Tern seen. Both European Bee-eater and Blue-cheeked Bee-eater have been catching insects from the trees surrounding the pond and a few European Turtle Doves are still around the pond and in the nearby trees. Laughing Dove, Collared Dove, Rock Dove and Namaqua Dove are all still about in good numbers and the partially leucistic Eurasian Collared Dve is still present on the percolation pond fence.

Little Grebe & young
European Turtle Dove
Eurasian Collared Dove - partially leucistic