
28 August 2012

A few waders - Dhahran Hills

Yesterday on the ‘patch’ the Glossy Ibis’s had gone from the night before. This was no real surprise, as most birds only stay briefly at the site, and are not seen the next day. A few more migrants were in today although things are still relatively quiet. The pond held seven Northern Shovellers, two Western Cattle Egrets and a flock of ten European Bee-eaters were feeding on insects from the surrounding trees. A small stream and wet area on the way to the pond held a few waders with five Little Stints, one Little Ringed Plover and a Kentish Plover giving very good views. Fifteen Barn Swallows and three Sand Martins were flying over the pond but otherwise little else was seen.
Little Ringed Plover

Little Stint

Western Cattle Egret