The juvenile Cream-coloured Coursers were both in the same place as normal but this time they were joined by a third bird. This was also a juvenile but unfortunately had a broken leg. It could stand on one leg and could also fly as it was flushed by a passing cyclist, so I hope it will make it to adulthood but the chances are slim. The birds allowed much closer approach today and some better photographs were obtained. They look very out of place on the green grass of the roadside verge but look totally at home in the scrubby desert where you can only really see them if they start running as they are so well camouflaged. Below are the three birds with the last photograph the bird with the broken leg.
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Cream-coloured Courser (juvenile) |
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Cream-coloured Courser (juvenile) |
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Cream-coloured Courser (juvenile) |
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Cream-coloured Courser (juvenile) with broken leg |
Other good birds seen today included five Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters in the trees around the percolation pond, one male Little Buttern in the pond reed beds, seven Barn Swallows, one Sand Martin and a juvenile Little Tern flying around over the pond and a European Turtle Dove in the trees nearby.