
12 July 2012

Greater Hoopoe-Larks – Dammam/Al Khobar Wader Roost South

A trip to the Dammam – Al Khobar Wader Roost South at high tide produced a pair of Greater Hoopoe-Larks. I have never recorded proof that the species breeds here but they seem to be present in the summer months and the habitat was suitable. It is now no longer suitable for the species as the scrubby desert area behind the wader roost has now been flattened ready for building houses on. As a result the two birds were feeding along the edge of bank by the water edge as well as occasionally flying down to the salt-marsh area to feed. Greater Hoopoe-Lark is a reasonably common pecies in the Eastern Province but they are never easy to see and always make my day when they are located. They can be very timid at times but these birds allowed reasonably close views as I was in the car.