
04 June 2012

June Migrants – Dhahran Hills

Even though it is early June a few late straggling migrants are still present on the ‘patch’. A walk around the spray fields produced a cracking male Red-backed Shrike which was using the spray heads as look out posts for catching insects from. A House Martin was seen flying around and was later seen over the percolation pond which was a bit of a surprise as I did not see House Martin in June last year in Dhahran. A single Spotted Flycatcher was fly catching from the fence around the pond, but was very shy and never allowed close approach. A single European Bee-eater was trying to rest on a tall tree from the very strong Shamal wind which was blowing a 55 kilometres an hour today. Apart from the migrants that breed in Dhahran such as Eastern Olivaceous Warbler and Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin the only other migrants were three White-winged Terns that have surprisingly stayed for a few days on the pond, obviously finding the area suitable for their needs. It is usual for terns that find the pond to look around and depart almost immediately, or occasionally stay for a few hours but be gone by the next day, so these two White-winged Terns staying around for three days is unusual. Both Spotted Flycather and Red-backed Shrike were seen in the first week of June last year but they will be the last fewof both species passing through now.
Spotted Flycatcher
White-winged Tern (adult)
Red-backed Shrike (adult male)
European Bee-eater