
19 May 2012

Little Bittern again - Dhahran Hills

The 'patch' is getting very quiet now with few migrants passing. The percolation pond still has the breeding Black-winged Stilt, with two eggs only, and the Little Grebes have finished building thier nest in a patch of pharagmites reeds in the centre of the pond. The only birds of note on the pond were a Grey Heron and the female Little Bittern in almost the same place as I saw it a couple of days ago. The trees surrounding the pond held a couple of Turtle Doves and a sigle Spotted Flycatcher but very little else.
Little Bittern - adult female

Little Bittern - adult female

The spray fields had numerous White-eared Bulbuls in as well as 50+ Common Mynas. House Sparrow numbers are building up with many freshly fledged birds in the flocks. The only migrants seen were one Common Swift, one Sand Martin and four Barn Swallows and a few laughing doves were paired up and sitting together in the trees.
White-eared Bulbul

Laughing Dove