
20 May 2012

Gambusia Fish – Dhahran Hills

The percolation pond has a large number of Gambusia, probably Eastern Mosquitofish, in which have been introduced to eat mosquito larvae. There are over 40 species of Gambusia of which I do not know exactly which one this is, but if anyone can help please contact me and let me know. This fish is also food for many of the herons that like to use the pond for feeding, so is good for wildlife as well as good at reducing the number of mosquitos present in the area.
 Gambusia sp.
Gambusia sp.

Gambusia species are often called topminnows or gambusias; but are also known as mosquitofish, which, however, refers more specifically to Gambusia affinis Western Mosquitofish & Gambusia Holbrooki Eastern Mosquitofish. Eastern Mosquitofish can grow to 3.5 centimetres in length and have been introduced into ponds in Saudi Arabia to eat mosquito larvae and they are native to the eastern and southern United States of America. The species consumes algae and detritus, is extremely hardy, and thrives in shallow, slow moving, freshwater between 31 & 35 degrees Celsius. The species gives birth to live young and can have up to nine broods per breeding season and live for one to two years