
11 April 2012

Saudi Aramco Sewage Treatment Plant Dhahran - Location Details

The Saudi Aramco Sewage Treatment Plant is situated in Dhahran just outside the main Saudi Aramco camp. It is just across the road from Ikea and is near to the Mall of Dhahran. Access is through a main gate where there is a sign saying to report to the main office. I am not certain if you have to be a Saudi Aramco employee to gain access to this site, but I suspect this is the case as they wanted to see my identification card. The site has large areas of grass which are sprayed regularly and remain quite wet so are attractive to birds. The sewage treatment works also attract a lot of Gulls which use the grass areas to rest on. Large sprinkler heads water the grass areas and these are good for birds to sit on and use as hunting perches. Large trees surround the perimeter, which are also attractive for birds. There is a reasonable sized pond in one corner which is well vegetated and is a magnet for water birds.

Speciality species recorded at the site:-
Pied Wheatear
Daurian Shrike
Song Thrush
Grey Wagtail
Common Sandpiper
Common Redshank
Common Ringed Plover
Common Snipe
Rock Dove
Siberian Stonechat
Water Pipit
Caspian Gull
Common Black-headed Gull