
05 April 2012

A few migrants - Dammam Airport Pool

A visit to Dammam Airport Pool proved quite successful with a few good birds seen. The wintering species seem to have mainly moved out but have been replaced by quite a few migrants. The best bird, however, was a stunning male Citrine Wagtail which was feeding along the muddy edge of the mail pool. It is difficult to say if this bird was a migrant or a wintering bird but it was good to see, and is the first time I have seen the species in this location. Whilst watching the bird I counted 72 Little Grebes and a single Garganey on the main pool. Seven Little Terns were feeding above the water and a Western Marsh Harrier was sitting in the reeds. The best thing about the pool was the fact that the main reed bed has been burnt and now it is possible to see much of the main water area making it much easier to bird the location. The reeds that were still standing had a couple of Squacco Heron sitting in them.
 Squacco Heron
Squacco Heron

Most of the migrants were in the scrub around the edge of the main Sabkhat (salt flats) and included a pair of Siberian Stonechat (maura), three Pied Wheatears and three Daurian Shrikes. Six Pallid Swift were flying about catching insects and a few waders were present including a Common Redshank, two Common Ringed Plover and six Black-winged Stilts. There was still no sign of the Black-crowned Sparrow Larks that normally breed in the area but it may be too early in the season?
 Daurian Shrike
 Siberian Stonechat - female (maura)
Siberian Stonechat - female (maura)