
28 March 2012

Wheatears – Sabkhat Al Fasl

A good number of migrant Wheatears are passing through the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia at present with Northern Wheatears, Pied Wheatears, Isabelline Wheatears and Black-eared Wheatears all being seen at Sabkhat Al Fasl during the week. Most of the birds were in the scrubby desert area between the main road and the pools but the photographs of the Pied Wheatear were taken along the edge of the flooded Sabkha.  Pied Wheatear is the most common species being seen at the moment with at least 12 different birds seen, four Northern Wheatears, two Isabelline Wheatears and a single Eastern Black-eared Wheatear were also seen during the day. Some of the birds allowed very close approach with one male Pied Wheatear catching flies right next to the car. No Desert Wheatears were noted and they seem to be much scarcer this year than last year.
 Pied Wheatear - male
 Pied Wheatear - male
 Pied Wheatear Tail Pattern - male
 Pied Wheatear - female
 Pied Wheatear - female
 Pied Wheatear Tail Pattern - female
 Isabelline Wheatear
 Eastern Black-eared Wheatear
Eastern Black-eared Wheatear Tail Pattern