
17 March 2012

Some new arrivals at Sabkhat Al Fasl - Bird records by Andre Marais

Andre Marais was birding at Sabkhat Al Fasl again during the week and has sent me the following photographs and details of his trips. On the 12th March Andre saw both male and female Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush as well as the much less common Blue Rock Thrush. I have not recorded either species in Dhahran, 125 kilometres south, so far this spring although Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush is a regular visitor. I personally have not seen Blue Rock-Thrush in Dhahran so am waiting patiently for the first record for me to arrive.
 Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush (male)
 Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush (female)
Blue Rock-Thrush

Andre also saw a samamisicus Common Redstart in the desert area at the back of the main wetland area which is always a good bird to see. I have seen quite a few of these in my area over the last few days (see previous post). Another bird Andre saw that I have yet to record this spring in Dhahran is Collared Pratincole of which Andre saw two birds on the 13th March. This is a regular spring migrant in the eastern province, but is much scarcer in the autumn. I thank Andre again for his records and his kind permission for me to use his excellent photographs.
 Common Redstart (samamisicus) - male
Collared Pratincole