
11 March 2012

Jubail Area – Bird records by Andre Marais

Andre was birding the Jubail area during the week and took the following photographs which he has kindly allowed me to put on the website.
The Eurasian Hoopoes were a group of four together at the golf course at Sabkhta Al Fasl on 5th March. At Sabkhat Al Fasl on 7th March there was a Woodchat Shrike and Isabelline Wheatear and the next day a Turkestan Shrike, Southern Grey Shrike and Squacco Heron.
 Isabelline Wheatear
 Turkestan Shrike
 Woodchat Shrike
 Eurasian Hoopoe
Squacco Heron

Andre also saw a Siberian Stonechat and male Eastern Black-eared Wheatear at Sandra, Jubail on 6th & 7th March respectively.
Eastern Black-eared Wheatear (male)
Siberian Stonechat

Phil Roberts also went to Sabkhat Al Fasl on the 9th March and saw 50 species of bird in a single morning. His highlights were a singing Savi’s Warbler, two Grey Wagtails and lots of Black-headed Wagtails (feldegg Yellow Wagtails). He also saw Northern Wheatear and Blue-cheeked Bee-eater which are the first records of these species I know of for our area of the Eastern Province this spring. Two Greater Spotted Eagles were still present, many of which will be departing over the next few weeks.