
22 March 2012

Black-winged Stilt nest & eggs - Alba Marsh (Bahrain)

Whilst in Bahrain over the weekend Brendan found a Black-winged Stilt nest with four eggs. There were quite a number of adult Black-winged Stilts around again with a pair calling vocally nearby.  The site is quite undisturbed apart from the reed-cutters and a stray dog that will, hopefully, not disturb the birds or eat the eggs. A pair of Black-winged Stilts bred at the same site last year so if all goes well this year we may be able to catch and ring the young. Black-winged Stilt chicks are very fast runners and brilliant at hiding so there is absolutely no certainty we will be able to catch the young but it will be fun trying.

Black-winged Stilt is a reasonably common breeding species in the region and I found a nest with four eggs present in Dhahran last year. Although there are four eggs, generally only two young survive.