
29 February 2012

The Jebals - Dhahran Hills

A trip to the jebals to see if any interesting wheatears or rock-thrushes had turned up produced very little. These sites are devoid of birds for most of the year but under the right conditions and at the right time of year good birds can be seen here. They are excellent for wheatears when big numbers are moving through although I only managed to see a single Isabelline wheatear and also shrikes of which I failed to see any. Large numbers of rock-thrushes can also be seen here but again I failed in my attempts. The only birds of note I saw were a single Song Thrush feeding under the row of trees on the way to the jebals and two Western Cattle Egrets in the same place. Five Common Chiffchaff were feeding on the grass in a nearby area and two Eurasian Hoopoe were on the Jebals but little else.
 Song Thrush
 Song Thrush
Common Chiffchaff