
24 January 2012

Common Snipe (New Ringing Tick) - Bahrain Alba Marshes

Whilst ringing at Alba Marshes in Bahrain last weekend we caught a Common Snipe which is a new ringing species for me. It was caught in a single panel net that was set in between some small pools and low vegetation. We have caught Jack Snipe in a similar location in Alba Marsh before but I have not seen Common Snipe in the hand and it was a beautiful bird. They are not very good models though and do not really like their pictures being taken even though I let the bird know it was going to be on the internet later. Brendan mentioned that he liked ringing Common Snipe as there was a better than normal recovery rate of ringed Snipe as they are a popular bird to hunt over much of their range. I would rather the bird live a long and happy life than be shot, but it would be very interesting to see where these birds spend the summer months.